Applesauce apple cups

Autumn is finally here, friends! We couldn’t be more excited… ok, so maybe our kids have no clue, but I’m sure loving the harvest themes & fall treats!

One of our favorite autumn treats are apple cups, we fill them up with just about anything and everything! Today I’m going to share how fun, quick & easy it is to make applesauce cups.


You can use just about any type of apples you like! We love Gala apples, red delicious apples are a little tougher during the cutting process- but hey, they still work!


take your apples & make sure to wash them throroughly {as they will be eaten up too}

in the meanwhile, boil some water {enough water for the amount of apples your using to be submerged} place your washed apples in the boiling water for 2 1/2 – 3 minutes, just enough for the apples to become a bit tender but NOT mushy. Make sure to not over boil the apples or they will begin to peel their skin.

Remove apples from water and let cool for a few. Take a knife & carve out an opening around the top of the apple to resemble a cup. Scoop & dump out about an inch of the filling. You can fill the apple cup with homemade applesauce or motts applesauce works just fine! 🙂

IMG_7356  IMG_7350

our boys like their applesauce with ground cinnamon & honey! I hear caramel drizzle is just as yummy… get fancy & inspired with your topping!


Here it is! A super easy & yummy treat the whole family will LOVE!

Mango Berry Salsa

So it’s not exactly summer and judging by this heat, fall is not around the corner, just yet. What better way to enjoy this awkward transition than to make some yummy fruity salsa. ↡↡


I had a random assortment of fruit around the house that just screamed summer, I kept thinking what would be a great way to incorporate all these delicious flavors & colors together, so I came up with a crazy concoction that turned out surprisingly yummy & fun.


so here is my version of a “guilt free” mango berry salsa {{enjoy}}


1 mango {chopped}

1 cup of chopped strawberries

1/3 cup of blueberries

1/8 cup chopped cilantro

1/8 cup lime juice

1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

1/2 tbsp of olive oil

salt to taste & a pinch of sugar for some love!

Mix all ingredients in a bowl!

I spread the salsa on a toasted sweet wheat grain bun with some queso fresco, delicious!
