Applesauce apple cups

Autumn is finally here, friends! We couldn’t be more excited… ok, so maybe our kids have no clue, but I’m sure loving the harvest themes & fall treats!

One of our favorite autumn treats are apple cups, we fill them up with just about anything and everything! Today I’m going to share how fun, quick & easy it is to make applesauce cups.


You can use just about any type of apples you like! We love Gala apples, red delicious apples are a little tougher during the cutting process- but hey, they still work!


take your apples & make sure to wash them throroughly {as they will be eaten up too}

in the meanwhile, boil some water {enough water for the amount of apples your using to be submerged} place your washed apples in the boiling water for 2 1/2 – 3 minutes, just enough for the apples to become a bit tender but NOT mushy. Make sure to not over boil the apples or they will begin to peel their skin.

Remove apples from water and let cool for a few. Take a knife & carve out an opening around the top of the apple to resemble a cup. Scoop & dump out about an inch of the filling. You can fill the apple cup with homemade applesauce or motts applesauce works just fine! 🙂

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our boys like their applesauce with ground cinnamon & honey! I hear caramel drizzle is just as yummy… get fancy & inspired with your topping!


Here it is! A super easy & yummy treat the whole family will LOVE!